Getting Started
Getting Started Quickly
The quickest way to get started is to download the Getting Started Quickly brochure at the bottom of the page. The easiest way to begin using the application is gathering information about your policies and your compensation. Getting Information on ...
AgencyComp can calculate, estimate, analyze, and track premium and commission for all policies. Follow the steps below to get started quickly. Step 1 - Add Carriers and Comp Plans (02:56) Step 2 - Import Client Policies (08:15) Step 3 - Add Maps ...
Step 6 - Add Reports
There are multiple reports to help you calculate, project, analyze and track premium and commission for your policies. Pending Business – displays annualized premium and first year commission on policies in underwriting. Analytics – summary of ...
Step 5 - Post Commissions
Posting is the process of linking a commission from a statement to a policy. When a commission statement is imported, most commissions are automatically linked to policies. When a commission statement is imported, click POST COMMISSIONS when prompted ...
Step 4 - Import a Commission Statement
Once a carrier map has been created, a commission statement can be imported. Only statements in Excel can be imported. Commissions can also be imported using a Generic Import Template or added manually. Import Commission Statements Go to the Main ...
Step 3 - Add Maps
A Map is required to import a carrier commission statement. The map provides a diagram of which fields are imported from the commission statement. Once a map has been created, it can be used over again each month. Each carrier statement will require ...
Add Carrier and No Comp Plan Name
A carrier is required when importing your policies, but a comp plan is not. You can add a comp plan to your policies after they have been imported using the Bulk Change – Comp Plans method. This method is more time-consuming than ther other two ...
Add Comp Plan and Carrier with No Schedule Before Import
A carrier and comp plan can be linked to a policy during the import process even if there is no schedule created for the comp plan. If a comp plan name is added to the template with no schedule in the application, it will be still imported and linked ...
Add Comp Plan and Carrier with Schedule Before Import
The advantage to adding your carriers and comp plans to your database before importing your policies is accuracy. Once added, the carrier and comp plan names can be added to your policy import template. When the policies are imported, they will be ...
Step 2 - Import Client Policies
Customer policies can be imported using Excel templates with pre-defined columns based on the type of commission paid on the policy. There are five templates to choose from. Select a template based on the type of policies you are importing. Depending ...
Step 1 - Add Carriers and Comp Plans
To calculate commissions for a policy, a Carrier and Comp Plan must be added and linked to a policy. A Comp Plan describes how a commission for a policy is calculated and how long it is paid. Since comp plans are linked to one or more carriers, you ...