Step 6 - Landmines
Reports can only be created with a 10-year time period. Actual Commission calculations use commissions based on the Paid Date from the commission statement. This field is required when creating a map for the carrier. Projected Commissions uses the ...
Step 5 - Landmines
Once a map is created and saved, it cannot be edited. If a carrier changes the commission statement, a new map will need to be created. A map is not necessary to add or post a manual commission. Make sure to have a policy number for each policy. The ...
Step 4 - Landmines
Make sure a carrier map has been created first before trying to import a commission statement. If a map for the statement does not exist, the statement will not import. A Generic Import Map has already been created. Select it when using the generic ...
Step 3 - Landmines
Some commission statements include data on multiple tabs. Make sure to identify the correct tab on the statement that holds the commission data. Identify the first row of commission in the statement. It's usually the first row under the column ...
Step 2 - Landmines
Make sure to use the correct template. The templates are based on the type of commission paid on the policy. Enter policy data for one carrier at a time into the import template. It’s easier to match the comp plans to the policies. Enter the name of ...