Getting Started Quickly

Getting Started Quickly

The quickest way to get started is to download the Getting Started Quickly brochure at the bottom of the page.  The easiest way to begin using the application is gathering information about your policies and your compensation.
  1. Getting Information on Your Policies.
  2. Understanding Your Compensation.
  3. Policy Import Help

Getting Information on Your Policies

AgencyComp uses policy import templates to import your policy information.  These templates are Excel spreadsheets that you complete with basic information on your policies.  Download the file at the bottom of the page for a description of required fields for all policy types.  There are five different spreadsheets based on the type of commission received on your business.
  1. Percentage of Premium
  2. Medicare Advantage
  3. Fee
  4. Target Premium
  5. Graded
If you recieve commission from a carrier for more than one type of payment, you will need to complete a policy import template for both types.  For example, if you write Medicare Advantage and Medicare supplements, you will need to add the Medicare Advantage policies to the Medicare Advantage template and the Medicare supplement policies to the Percentage of Premium template.  It is strongly suggested that you get policy and commission information one carrier at a time.  There are several sources for this information.
  1. Your CRM
  2. Contact your carrier rep
  3. Log into your carrier agent portal
  4. Contact your IMO/FMO/BGA
  5. Current commission statement

Understanding Your Compensation

Tracking your commissions requires you to understand how you get paid from each carrier.  Each policy requires a comp plan that describes how much and how long a commission is paid on a policy.  In addition to the base policy, you also need to know how you are paid on:
  1. Riders
  2. Overrides - on your business and your agent's business
  3. Bonuses
For example, if you receive commmission on your policy, and an override, you will need to create a comp plan for each one.  After creating your comp plans, the names of those plans will be entered into the policy import template next to the policies they corespond to.

After the initial import of your policies, adding new policies is a quick and easy process.  It is strongly suggested that you get policy and commission information one carrier at a time.

Policy Import Help

AgencyComp provides step-by-step instructions and videos on how to create your comp plans, import your policies, and import your commission statements.  For additional help, we can help you configure your first carrier.  This service includes everything you need to import data for one carrier.  Additional carrier imports are available at an hourly rate. 

The import service includes:
  1. Create comp plans.  A comp plan describes how much and how long commissions are paid.
  2. Add policy information to the policy import template.
  3. Create a map and import the first commission statement. 

Customers are responsible for providing the information below for each carrier:
  1.  A list of how commissions are paid for the base comp, and any riders or bonuses.
  2. In-force policy listing.  AgencyComp has five policy import templates based on the type of commission paid on a policy.  Each template has specific fields that are required.
  3. A current commission statement in Excel format.
A secure folder will be provided for policy files.  Files must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to the onboarding call.

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